April 9, 2021, Paul Robeson’s birthday, marked the 20th anniversary of SeeingBlack, a pioneering and award-winning website for Black voices on arts, media and politics. Early in 2022, Esther lost control of the former domain for the magazine and will reconstruct the archive at www.seeingblack.world and www.seeingblack.net. We thank you for continuing to support us, even as we have faced challenges and new opportunities!
Faithful users know that our last posts were links to the content on our podcast and radio show, “On The Ground,” which is now broadcast on 25 stations on the Pacifica Radio Network and archived permanently on our site, www.onthegroundshow.org. Because of the limited capacity of Esther’s volunteer operation, SeeingBlack and the radio website will be merged eventually We had hoped to have this “construction” done in time to celebrate our anniversaries with you. But, no luck. When we DO finish the construction, you will be able to access all of SeeingBlack.com again, it will be on a new platform and have more of its own content again. Though the Black online environment has evolved to be more populous and corporate since our 2001 debut, we see all around us proof positive of the need to still have a place for our unfettered voices.
Click on the Listen to Shows tab to access ‘On The Ground’ show archive.
A Luta Continua!
Facebook: Family of SeeingBlack.com
Twitter: @SeeingBlack
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Esther Iverem has also launched LegacyQuiltsandArt.com and several websites on labor protections, corporate accountability and wealth inequality.